目的 探讨与超声乳化手术有关的引起后囊混浊的因素 ,从而减少因手术因素而引起后囊混浊的发生。方法 对 5 8例 ( 5 8只眼 )行超声乳化手术后发生后囊混浊的病例进行与手术有关的因素分析 ,如撕囊的方法、大小、位置 ;乳化时间 ;皮质吸出的程度及后囊抛光等。结果进行统计学分析。结果 在 5 8例发生后囊混浊的眼中前囊孔为 CCCC的有 19只 ,与前囊孔为 CCC和开罐式的 3 9只眼相比后囊混浊的发生率有明显差异 ,χ2 =6.83 2 ,P <0 .0 1;而乳化时间和 I/ A时间在本组中未表现出对后囊混浊的发生有影响 ;在 PCO组中有 7只眼进行了后囊抛光 ,占 12 .1% ;NPCO组中则有 15只眼进行了后囊抛光 ,占 2 5 .9%。结论 后囊混浊的发生与手术中撕囊的方法、大小、位置 ,以及后囊膜抛光、残留皮质的吸出程度有关 ,因此为了减少后囊混浊的发生 ,手术中应尽量做到环行撕囊时边缘整齐地覆盖于人工晶状体边缘 ;充分吸出残留皮质、囊袋及后囊膜抛光。
Objective To study the causes of PCO that occur after phacoemulsification in order to find the ways that would reducing the PCO.Methods We analyzed surgical-relate factors in 58 cases in which PCO occurred after phacoemulsification,such as the form and the size of capsule curvilinear cap-sulorhexis,and also the PHACO-time and I/A-time?posterior capsule polishing.The results were analyzed Statistically.Results Comparing the non-CCCC or can-opener,there were 19 eyes of CCCC in the PCO group.Statistical analyses showed that there was a significant difference between them.χ 2=6.832,P<0.01.There was no difference in PHACO-time and I/A-time.Posterior capsule polishing were conducted in 7 eyes for the PCO group and in 15 eyes for the NPCO group respectively.Conclusion PCO is not only related to the form and the size of capsule curvilinear capsulorhexis,but also related to posterior capsule polishing.CCCC and aspirating remnant cortex completely could reduce the rate of PCO effectively.In addition,sperical IOL can also reduce PCO rate.
Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology