目的 探讨Fuchs综合征并发白内障的手术疗效。方法 对6例(6只眼)Fuchs综合征并发白内障,采用中央连续环形撕囊(cccc)拦截劈裂超声乳化白内障吸除,联合囊袋内折叠人工晶状体植入术。结果 所有手术顺利,术后视力均在0.6以上,术后反应轻微。结论 中央连续环形撕囊超声乳化白内障吸除联合折叠人工晶状体囊袋内植入,治疗Fuchs综合征并发白内障是安全有效的,是目前理想的手术方法之一。
Objective To evaluate the effect of surgical treatment of Fuchs syndrome complicated cataract. Methods Six cases (six eyes) with Fuchs syndrome complicated cataract were performed the phacoemulsificafion (phaco) using central continuous curvilineal capsulorhexis (cccc) and intercepting and chopping with foldable intracapsular intmocular lens (IOL) implantation. Results All the surgeries were successful, and the postoperative visual acuity were all above 0.6,and the postoperative reactions were so slight. Conclusion The treatment of phaeo using cccc with intracapsular F-IOL implantation is effective and safe for Fuchs syndrome comolicated cataract and it is one of the ideal surgical treatments at present.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology