辐射场剂量特性的测量可以通过剂量率仪或谱 剂量转换的方法来实现。其中一种谱 剂量转换的方法是通过一个G(E)函数 ,把测得的结果直接换算成剂量而不需解谱。本文采用这种方法 ,对一个75mm× 75mm的NaI(Tl)探测器的能谱特性进行测量与分析 ,算出了该晶体的G(E)函数值及估计的误差 。
The dosimetric properties of a gamma radiation field can be measured by a dose rate meter or by a gamma spectrometer with spectrum dose conversion. One of the spectrum dose conversion operatron is to evaluate the dose of the radiation field directly from integrating the observed pulse height spectrum weighted by a G(E) function instead of making spectrum analysis. In this report, this method is examined by measuring and analyzing the energy spectrum properties of a NaI(Tl) scintillator of 75 mm×75 mm, used to calculate the G(E) function values with regard to the properties of the scintillator and estimating error, and its calculating results compared the exposure rate obtained with high pressurized ionization chamber.(
Radiation Protection