中国自 1 981年城市经济体制改革以来的国民经济增长过程 ,也是经济结构的变动过程。三次产业GDP增长率的大幅度落差 ,既反映了产业结构、所有制结构、地区结构和城乡结构变动的常规趋势 ,也逐步暴露出农村、农业和农民的深层危机。危机的直接表现是城乡居民收入增长幅度的差距持续拉大和农村主要生产部门技术进步严重滞缓。这意味着农民阶层在经济市场化进程中正在日益边缘化。扭转这种局面的根本出路是组织变革。承包制可以提高生产效率 ,却无法长期保持报酬递增。
The growth of national economy by reform of city economy system since 1981 has also been the process of economy structure. The great differences of GDP growth rate not only reflects normal trends in Changes of industrial structure, ownership structure, regional structure and city-rural structure, but also shows deep crisis about rural, agriculture and farmer. One direct crisis is increasing gap of income growth rate between citizen and farmer, the other crisis is serious lag of progress in technology in main agricultural departments. This means that farmer is increasingly becoming marginalization in marketing progress. The fundamental road to convert this situation is organization innovation. Contract institution can improve production efficiency but can’t bring reward increase by degrees long run.
Industrial Economics Research