目的 :探讨动静脉内瘘 (AVF)闭塞原因。方法 :对 83例建立永久性AVF并作维持性血液透析患者进行回顾性对照分析 ,以了解AVF闭塞的情况及其原因。结果 :发现 2 5例次AVF闭塞 ,其中因肾移植弃用者 11例次、压迫时间过长者 6例次、原发病为糖尿病者 4例次、低血压者 3例次、原因不明者 1例次。结论 :动静脉内瘘闭塞与患者的原发病、内瘘使用、保护不当以及全身情况有着密切的关系。
Objective: To analyze the obturated reason of AVF.Methods: 83 cases of perpetual AVF were made on stable hemodialysis patients ,a retrospective analysis was performed to study the causes of AVF obturation .Results: There were 25 patients whose AVF had been obturated; 11 patients'AVF were abandoned because of kidney transplantation;6 patients'AVF were oppressed for too long ;4 patients had previous Diabetes ;3 patients were lower blood pressure;1 patient abandoned AVF for unknowed reasons. Conclusion: The reasons of AVF obturation connected with the patients, previous illness?the use of AVF?unsuitable protection and the situation of the whole body closely.
Hebei Medicine