新疆准噶尔盆地边缘部分地段降水少 ,蒸发量大 ,干旱多风 ,土壤肥力低和盐碱化较强 ,自然条件比较恶劣。但不同地貌单元自然条件又不尽相同 ,特别是土壤质地、盐分和养分的差异 ,导致植物群落发生相应变化。在水资源严重匮乏的情况下 ,植被整体呈现出群落组成简单、优势度高、多样性和覆盖度较低等特征。它们所构成的生态环境非常脆弱 ,敏感性很高 ,在水土开发和重大工程建设时必须充分注意这些特点。
The natural conditions of the margin regions of the Junggar Basin, Xinjiang is poor, with meager precipitation, a large number of evaporation, drought and frequent wind, most soils have poor fertility and remarkable saline-alkalization. As the national condition in each region is more or less different with others in the investigation areas, especially the variation of soil textures, soil salts and soil nutrients between the different regions, there is the difference of succession and rejuvenescence among vegetation covers. The vegetation cover is low with single plant community composition, high dominance and low diversity in land section of lean soil and serious saline-alkalization. Then, in land section of better soil texture and fertility vegetation cover is relative high with plant community composition of a certain extent of diversity. Under the condition of water resource being short, which is crucial stress factor to affect eco-environmental stability, the vegetation in the regions is difficult to form stable plant community. So, most plant communities are in the process of succession and eco-environment is very fragile. If implementing the development of water and soil resources and the construction of great engineering on this background of eco-environment, some measures must be taken to prevent ecological hazards.
Arid Land Geography
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目G19990 435 0 4。