文中利用北京地区中尺度数值天气预报业务系统 ,通过进行多个例数值对比试验 ,对在北京地区如何进行风廓线仪布网进行了数值研究。结果表明大气风场随高度的垂直分布和变化对天气过程有明显的作用 ,在较短时期就可对大气的空间特征形成深厚的影响 ,天气系统对大气风场的垂直结构特征是较为敏感的。其可在短期天气过程中影响天气系统的温度场结构及相关降水过程 ,且在以上影响随着预报时效的增加而增强的同时 ,影响范围也随预报时效的增加而扩大。对中尺度数值预报和北京地区的风廓线仪布点方案来说 ,以核心区域 (北京市城区 )为中心的呈近等边三角形的布网方案具有与近正四边形布网方案相当的探测效果 ,选择近等边三角形布网方案 ,较选择较近正四边形布网方案更为合理。可节省大量的资源及经费。文中所研究方法和结果对在有限区域如何选择风廓线仪布网方案具有广泛的借鉴意义和实际应用价值。
By employing the Beijing area's mesoscale NWP system (a joint project of Beijing Meteorological Bureau and National Meteorological Center, China) developed on the basis of PSU/NCAR MM5V2, 6 cases of numerical comparing experiments with and without forces on initial horizontal wind fields, vertical structure have been carried out to investigate how to reasonably design the wind-profiler network location for Beijing area. 36 h simulation results show that wind field vertical structure not only plays important roles on mesoscale weather process' development over Beijing, but also can influences temperature field and precipitation to some degree. Furthermore, in the horizontal range, its effect strengtheons enlarges with forecasting time increase. To design Beijing wind-profiler network location as near equilateral triangle around the city zone is more reasonable and economical to short-range mesoscale NWP than that as near rectangle under the present conditions, because with the former wind-profiler network design almost same numerical results achieved. Simulation outputs also indicate that locating wind profilers that can explore higher levels are necessary.
Acta Meteorologica Sinica