The evolution and the wind vertical structure of an MCS for a rainstorm on 6 Aug 2009 at Nansha, Guangzhou are analyzed using the NCEP, in-cloud lightning, satellites, Doppler radars and wind profilers data. The major conclusions are as follows: (1) This torrential rain was caused by a meso-α-scale convective system, which generated and developed in a strengthening tropical storm after landfall, and within the system several convective cells and “train effect” played an important role in the heavy rainfall. (2) Cloud-to-ground lightning flashes mainly occurred in the region where the temperature was less than -64℃ and the TBB gradient was large, or there were echoes that were more than 40 dBZ and large echo gradient. (3) Observation of the wind structure of the MCS shows that there were two strengthening processes of low-level jets which were directly related to two increases in low-level inflow. Several jet pulsations and low vortexes on the jet axis, on the time scale of 0.5-1 h, corresponded to the incidence of surge in rainfall intensity, which was a mesoscale feature that reflected strong updraft and downdraft in the MCS. (4) It is found that vertical upward movement occurred in the front of the meso-α-scale convective system in PBL, which was closely related to the surface mesoscale depression and convergence line, and heavy rain appeared 1 hour after the surface mesoscale depression and convergence line did.
Journal of Tropical Meteorology