本研究旨在分析维吾尔语、汉语对维吾尔族学生英语请求策略产生的影响。研究对象共4组,其中三语组由92名维吾尔族大学生组成,另有3个对照组。研究采用电子邮件写作任务和回顾性访谈收集数据,以Blum-Kulka et al.(1989) CCSARP框架为基础,通过对比三语组和对照组,分析维吾尔语、汉语对学习者英语请求策略产生的影响。研究发现,维吾尔族学生英语请求策略在语气引导型、需要陈述型、探询型使用上均存在维吾尔语、汉语迁移,呈现复杂特征,但从使用频次和用法上看,三语组与汉语本族语者组更为接近、受汉语影响更大,是二语水平、近现率、感知文化距离、语言环境及英语教师等因素共同作用的结果。
This study aims at investigating how Uyghur and Chinese influence the English request strategies of Uyghur university students.A total of four groups,one focus group and three comparison groups,participated in the study.The focus group consisted of 92 Uyghur students of English.Data were elicited by employing an e-mail writing task(EWT)and a retrospective interview and were classified according to a coding scheme of requests adapted from CCSARP by Blum-Kulka et al.(1989).E-mail requests constructed by the Uyghur learners of English were compared with those of native speakers to analyze the Uyghur and Chinese influence on learners’request strategies.Findings from the study revealed that Uyghur and Chinese transfer both occurred in the use of mood derivable,want statement and query preparatory.However,the frequency of use exhibited by the focus group was relatively closer to Chinese native speakers than to native speakers of Uyghur.Chinese was the major source of transfer,given the interaction of factors such as second language proficiency,the students’recent concentration on Chinese,perceived culture distance and the influence exerted on them by the language environment and their English teachers.
Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages