China Merchants Bank Financial Innovation Building 0098 Lot with the maximum height of 84.1 m and 15 floors on the grand,uses the frame-shear wall structure system and a basement with 4 floors is affiliated,and the maximum plane dimension of the ground structure is 77 m×40 m.Firstly,combined architecture scheme and the structural rationality,the structural system selection of the main structure was explained.Then,the irregular judgment of the main structure was operated and the design measures about the irregularity of the structure was introduced systematically.At the same time,the elasto-plastic static analysis of the main structure was mainly introduced.Finally,the selection of the based scheme was emphatically presented.Research and design results show that,by using reasonable computational measures and design measures,the irregularity of the original structure has been effectively controlled,and the structure calculation index can better meet the requirements of the standards.The structure is safe,reliable and the structural design is feasible.
Building Structure