正在兴建的国家游泳中心"水立方"为2008年奥林匹克运动会的游泳、跳水、花样游泳、水球比赛场地,赛后将继续提供重大水上比赛场地,同时为市民提供综合水上娱乐中心以及会议展览场地等。国家游泳中心屋盖和墙体采用了基于气泡理论的多面体空间刚架结构,为国内外首创。其构成方式是将由多面体细胞填充的巨大空间进行旋转和切割,从而得到建筑的外轮廓和内部使用空间,切割产生的内外表面杆件和内外表面之间保留的多面体棱线便形成了结构。这种新型空间结构的受力特性介于网架和空腹网架之间,结构设计面临着许多新课题。介绍了国家游泳中心结构设计中的关键技术问题,包括多面体空间刚架结构的几何构成与设计优化、风洞试验、结构总装整体分析、静力弹塑性分析(pushover analysis)、动力弹塑性时程分析、节点设计与试验研究、钢管杆端加强设计、子结构试验等。
Under construction now,Beijing Olympic National Swimming Center (NSC,also called Water-Cube) will be the 2008 Olympic Games venue for swimming,diving,synchronised swimming and water polo events.After the Games,it will continually provide large-scale multifunctional aquatic sports centre and recreation,sports and fitness services for the public.A new polyhedron space steel frame structure was successfully created and adopted in NSC.The actual geometry is creating an array of optimized Weaire Phelan foam that is much bigger than the building,rotating the array about an axis,and then trimming the foam that falls either outside the building envelope or within the occupied spaces.The resulting structure forms the roof and walls of the building.The structural behavior of this new type space structure is between space truss and vierendeel truss.This new structure presents many questions during structural designing. The structural key technology is introduced,including geometry forming and design optimizing,loads analyzing and choosing,wind tunnel test,integrated analyzing of the whole structure,pushover analyzing,plastic time- history analyzing,joints designing and testing,cover-plate design,sub-structure test.
Building Structure