目的 :研究儿童替牙期骨性AngleⅢ类错与正常的咀嚼肌肌电变化规律。方法 :对 2 0例替牙期AngleⅢ类骨性错儿童及 2 0名正常儿童进行咀嚼肌肌电图检查 ,测量嚼肌深浅层和颞肌前后束在姿势位、牙尖交错咬合位、前伸运动边缘位、后退运动边缘位的肌电活动 ,所得数据进行统计学分析。结果 :骨性安氏Ⅲ类错姿势位嚼肌与颞肌的肌电活动均大于正常 ;牙尖交错咬合位嚼肌、颞肌肌电位均较正常小 ;下颌前伸时颞肌前束肌电显著性高于正常 ;下颌后退时 ,嚼肌显著性高于正常。结论 :替牙期AngleⅢ类骨性错肌电有其特征性 ,提示早期矫治替牙期AngleⅢ类骨性错不仅能解决美观问题 ,更有利于改善咀嚼肌收缩功能 ,减少肌功能对颅面形态的不良影响。
Objective:To evaluate Electromyography(EMG) changes of masticatory muscle in skeletal class Ⅲ malocclusion children and normal children Methods:EMG was used to test the changes of activities of masseter and temporal muscle in 20 class Ⅲ malocclusion patients and 20 normal children.Results:Masseter and temporal muscle activities of skeletal class Ⅲ were higher than normal at posture position;the EMG activities of the two muscles were lower than normal during maximal clenching in ICP.The abnormal activity appeared in the anterior bundle of temporal muscle in protraction movement,abnormal activity of masseter muscle appeared in retraction movement,both muscles showed higher potential.Conclusion:Special electromyography was showed in skeletal class Ⅲ malocclusion,which suggests that earlier treatment in mixed dentition can ameliorate masticatory muscle activities,reduce harmful effects on the craniofacial development.
Beijing Journal of Stomatology