ERP─EnterpriseResourcePlanning企业资源计划系统 ,是指建立在信息技术基础上 ,以系统化的管理思想 ,为现代企业决策层及员工提供决策运行手段的管理平台。从竞争环境的角度出发 ,提出了大规模定制已经逐渐成熟并最终取代大规模生产成为新的生产经营模式的观点 ,同时 ,分析了在大规模定制下传统ERP的局限 ,从管理和技术的角度探讨新一代ERP的特点及发展。
ERP─Enterprise Resource Planning is a systematically managerial thought based on the technique of electronics, and it offers a wonderfully managerial platform of the decision-making for manager and stuff of modern enterprise. this article gives a point of view that mass order is growing up and taking place of mass product. At the same time this article analyzes that the traditional ERP is exerted under mass order, and puts forward the characteristic and development of the new ERP.
Information Technology