钢铁企业在实施企业资源计划过程中 ,需要建立针对钢铁行业特点、同时适应ERP需求的钢铁产品结构。本文结合某钢管制造厂ERP实施案例 ,在分析钢铁行业生产和产品的特点后 ,建立了生产各阶段的物料清单 (BOM )结构 ,在此基础上 ,设计可应用于钢铁行业ERP的、基于产品属性和产品类代码的分级产品结构 ,介绍了实现设计方案的步骤 ,最后总结了这种产品结构设计方案的优点。
Implementations of Enterprises Resource Planning(ERP) in Steel Industry need to establish a product structure adapted to ERP architecture and tailored to the specialties of Steel Industry. Within the background of a steel pipe factory in ERP implementation, according to the specialties of products and productions of steel industry, we establish a structure of BOM referring to and reflecting the steel manufacturing process, and based on the structure, a steel industry focused,attribute-based product structure using the product class code is built. The steps of building are introduced, and the comparisons between several solutions are made.
国家"九五"重点科技攻关计划专题 ( 97-5 6 2 -0 1)