辩诉交易制度因其基本程序结构维持了控辩平等对抗、法官居中裁决的形式而确保了公正优先 ,它追求解决纠纷这一形式正义目标并以此一方面防止了犯罪者逃脱惩罚 ,另一方面又维护了被告人的利益。我国普通程序的结构性缺陷并不妨碍引进辩诉交易制度 ,但应作出改造 ,主要包括限定案件范围、强化被害人与辩护律师的参与以及完善开庭审查等。
Due to the basic procedure structure, the system of plea bargaining has maintained the equal adversary between the prosecuting party and the defending party, and the form of judges' making judgment in a neutral position, which guaranteed the priority of justice. It pursues the formal justice, that is to settle disputes. On the basis of this, criminals cannot be free from being punished. On the other hand, defendants' interests have been safeguarded. The structural defects of general procedure do not hinder the introduction of the system of plea bargaining. But reformation should be conducted, mainly including limiting the scope of cases, strengthening victims' and attorneys' participation, and perfecting review for court session.
Tribune of Political Science and Law