中亚恐怖主义产生的内因主要是 :伊斯兰原教旨主义的极端化 ;民族分裂主义的滋生与蔓延 ;经济、社会问题严重 ;中亚国家在宗教政策上出现失误与偏差。中亚恐怖主义产生和发展的外因主要是 :泛伊斯兰主义和泛突厥主义的渗透 ;车臣恐怖主义的冲击 ;塔利班的影响与支持 ;以本·拉登为首的国际恐怖主义的支持 ;美国等西方国家对中亚反恐斗争的干预。中亚恐怖主义产生原因的复杂性决定了中亚国家的反恐斗争任重道远。
The internal roots for the growth of terrorism in Central Asia are as follows: the extremism of Islamic fundamentalism, the growth and spread of national separatism, the severity of the economic and social problems, and the errors in the religious policies of the Central Asian countries. The external roots for the emergence and development of terrorism in Central Asia are as follows: the penetration of Pan-Islamism and Pan-Turkism, the impact of terrorism from Chechnya, the influence and support from the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, support by Bin Laden's international terrorism, and the interference of the United States and other Western countries in the anti-terrorist struggle in Central Asia. The implication of these sources of the growing terrorism in Central Asia determines that the Central Asian states will be engaged in a difficult and protracted struggle against terrorism.
World Economics and Politics