研究脑恶性胶质瘤的二维氢质子磁共振波谱(2D1H -MRS)特征及其代谢物变化规律。材料和方法 :经病理学证实的恶性胶质瘤14例(男性8例 ,女性6例 ,年龄19~72岁) ,年龄相近正常对照组15例 ,使用1.5TMRI成像仪 ,PRESS序列 ,TR/TE=1000ms/144ms ,多体素相位矩阵 :16×16 ,FOV :24cm。完成扫描后用随机软件包FuncTool进行分析 ,观察正常对照组(作为外参照)、病例组病灶周边、病变区及对侧正常区(内参照)各主要代谢物变化情况。结果 :14例胶质瘤按WHO标准分类Ⅲ级6例 ,Ⅳ级8例 ,肿瘤实体区NAA/Cho、NAA/Cr、NAA/(Cho +Cr)分别为0.39±0.11 ,1.09±0.38 ,0.28±0.06 ,较正常参照区降低且具显著性差异(p<0.05) ;Cho/Cr和Lac/Cr分别为3.05±1.44 ,0.35±0.59 ,均较参照区升高 ,前者p<0.05 ,后者无统计学差异(p>0.05) ;结合多体素波谱图观察提示恶性胶质瘤Cho升高、NAA下降和出现异常Lac峰 ,同时可显示肿瘤周边区域的Cho升高等异常。结论 :Cho升高、NAA下降和出现异常Lac峰是恶性胶质瘤的主要波谱表现。2D 1H -MRS可检测胶质瘤MRI所示病灶以外区域的代谢异常 ,此对鉴别诊断。
To evaluate the characteristics and the regularities of the metabolites in malignant gliomas in vivo by 2D proton MR spectroscopy.Materials and Methods: Fourteen pathologically confirmed malignant cerebral gliomas and 15 normal contr ols underwent MR imaging and MR spectroscopy.PRESS sequence was used with TR/TE= 1000/144ms,16×16 phase-encoding steps,and 24×24cm FOV.The peaks of NAA,Cho,Cr ,and Lac in tumors,peritumoral area,contralateral normal areas and those in norm al brain tissue of the control group were measured with FuncTool analysis packag e.The peak ratios of the metabolites were calculated by SAS statistic package.Re sults:The mean peak ratios of NAA/Cho,NAA/Cr,and NAA/(Cho+Cr) in tumors were 0. 39±0.11,1.09±0.38,and 0.28±0.06,respectively,which were significant lower(p<0 .05) than those in the contralateral normal areas and those in control groups.Th e results of Cho/Cr and Lac/Cr in the mass were 3.05±1.44,and 0.35±0.59,respec tively.It increased than that of normal controls.With the consideration of multi voxel MR spectroscopy,the results showed that increased Cho,decreased NAA,and pr esence of Lac peaks were the main spectroscopic manifestations of malignant glio mas.Significant increase of Cho in the peritumoral area was also detected.Conclu sion:The major proton spectroscopic features of malignant gliomas were increased Cho,decreased NAA and presence of Lac peaks.2D 1H-MRS was capable of detecting metabolic abnormalities outside the tumor.It may be helpful in differential dia gnosis,stereotactic biopsy and management planning of malignant cerebral gliomas .
Chinese Computed Medical Imaging
Glioma Magnetic resonance imaging Magnetic resonance spectroscopy