学分制是适应成人高等学校教育特点的教学管理制度 ,它有力于合理使用教育资源 ,更加灵活 ,更加有针对性地培养社会急需人才。实行学分制要规范教学管理工作 ,严格考试制度 ,提高师资队伍水平 ,实现管理水平的现代化。同时要结合我国国情和各个成人院校的实际 ,制定出一整套科学的学分制实施的管理办法来。
The credit system is one of the systems suitable to the adult higher education. This article introduces the main contents of the teaching management of the credit system, analyses the problems which should be paid more attention in carrying out the credit system in their college and points out that carrying out the credit system should be combined with the reality of the adult education in our country or in their colleges.
Journal of Tianjin Adult Higher Learning