公诉权是将起诉权从审判权中分离出来而形成的一个独立的国家权限 ,是由国家专门机关代表国家在刑事诉讼中行使的诉权。这种专门国家机关即公诉机关能否公正有效地行使国家赋予的权力 ,不仅关系到国家刑罚权的真正实现 ,而且关系到公民人权的切实保障 ,因此 ,加强对国家专门机关办理刑事案件的制约和监督 ,其意义是深远的。
The right of public prosecution refers to separating the right of sue from the jurisdiction and forming a independent state right, carried out by the state specialized organizations who represents the state in the criminal suits. Whether such specialized state organizations i.e. the organizations of public prosecution justly carry out the right empowered by the state matters in both realizing the state right of penalty and safeguarding the human right of the citizens. Thus, it is of great significance to supervise the state specialized organizations in handling the criminal cases.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)