电力市场中的辅助服务一般都是集中处理的。系统运行人员负责确定并购买所需的备用容量 ,再把相应的费用分摊给用户。备用容量决策一般基于经验和规程 ,不进行优化计算 ,所以这种做法可能导致低效率。在市场环境中 ,应鼓励采用分散决策方法 ,以便通过市场的“无形之手”达到市场均衡点和市场效率。文中提出了两种分散决策方法来确定备用容量 ,即分别基于合同和联营体的分散决策方法。这两种方法在实现中均应用保险理论来引导备用容量的最优分散决策 ,并同时减少用户的停电损失。证明了在一定条件下 ,基于联营体的方法更加有效 。
In power markets, ancillary service is usually centrally handled. The system operator will determine the required reserve capacity and purchase it from the reserve suppliers. And the corresponding cost is allocated to the consumers. This approach lacks customers' choices and may lead to inefficiency. In the market environment, the decentralized decision making approach should be recommended so as to use the 'invisible hand' of markets to achieve market equilibrium and efficiency. In this paper, we suggest two approaches to procure operating reserve. They are contract based approach and pool based approach. In the two approaches, a theory of insurance policy is introduced to make optimal decentralized decision possible, improving the dispatch of reserve capacity and reducing the risk of loss of power supply to consumers. A numerical example is utilized to illustrate the effectiveness of the suggested approaches. It is proven that under certain conditions the pool based approach is more cost effective than the contract based approach and should be adopted in the deregulated electricity markets.
Automation of Electric Power Systems
国家重点基础研究专项经费资助项目 ( G19980 2 0 30 7)
香港政府大学研究基金 ( RGC)资助项目~~