电气专业基础课是电气专业本科教育中基础课程与专业课程间的桥梁和纽带。面向 2 1世纪的电气专业基础课教学必须改革创新 ,建立新的教学模式 ,以培养适应知识经济时代需求的高素质综合性人才。本文从注重培养学生的学习能力、创新能力、实践能力出发 ,从帮助他们建立合理的知识结构 ,强化思维能力 ,锻炼社会交往能力的角度 ,提出了改革电气专业基础课教学的必要性 。
The teaching of basic theory in Electric specialty is a bridge, which has linked the ordinary education with professional education in undergraduate course of Electric specialty.Facing the 21St century,in order to foster qualified engineers with multiple ability who can adapt the knowledge-economic times,the Basic Theory Education in Electric specialty have to innovate and found new teaching modes . The mode includes laying stress on forming rational knowledge structures, improving the abilities of thinking and learning, focusingon practicing and communication. This paper has discussed the necessity of reforming the theoretical education in Electric specialty and proposed the new method of education to suit the modern times.
Proceedings of the CSU-EPSA
"上海市课程建设项目 :<电机学>课程建设"课题成果 .课题批号为 :2 0 0 10 0 4