OBJECTIVE: To investigate the variations of sensory evoked potentials (SEPs) in patients with affective disorders accompanying suicidal behavior. METHODS: 39 depressive patients, 22 manic patients and 33 normal controls were included in the study. Visual, auditory and somatosensory evoked potentials (VEP, AEP & SSEP) were recorded from every subject using a Nicolet Spirit Instrument. RESULTS: Both the depressive and manic groups presented prolonged latencies and decreased amplitudes of major components of SEPs as compared to that of normal controls. Depressive patients with suicidal behavior had decreased P(3) amplitude of VEP (P
目的 探讨伴自杀行为史的情感障碍患者感觉性诱发电位的特点及其临床意义。方法 应用美国尼高力公司Spirit脑诱发电位仪 ,记录了 39例抑郁相、2 2例躁狂相患者和 33名正常对照者的视觉诱发电位 (VEP)、听觉诱发电位 (AEP)和体感诱发电位 (SSEP)。结果 1 与正常对照组相比 ,抑郁相和躁狂相组均出现感觉性诱发电位主成分波幅降低 ,且抑郁相VEP/P2 潜伏期延迟。 2 伴自杀行为史的抑郁相患者VEP/P3波幅降低较明显 ,而伴自杀行为史的躁狂相患者VEP/P2 波幅和AEP/P2 波幅降低较明显。 3 与不伴自杀行为史的情感障碍患者相比 ,伴自杀行为史的情感障碍患者VEP/P3波幅和SSEP/P3波幅降低较明显。结论 情感障碍患者的感觉性诱发电位主成分波幅降低且与患者有无自杀行为史有关 ;
ThestudywassupportedbyNationalKeyProgramforBasicResearchofChina (No .2 0 0 1CCA0 0 70 0 )