Since the result of effect comparison is important for teacher's decision making,roles teacher feedback and peer review play respectively and collaboratively in tertiary-level EFL writing context should be addressed via quantitative study as this paper proposed.Quantitative data should be collected from students'first drafts,second drafts and written comments from teachers and peers.Gains for overall scores between the first and second drafts and correlation between suggestions and gains should be examined.
Opinions about roles teacher written feedback and peer review play in writing improvement vary among researchers.Since the result of effect comparison is important for teacher's decision making, roles teacher feedback and peer review play respec-tively and collaboratively in tertiary-level EFL writing context should be addressed via quantitative study as this paper proposed.Quantitative data should be collected from students' first drafts, second drafts and written comments from teachers and peers.Gains for overall scores between the first and second drafts and correlation between suggestions and gains should be examined.
Overseas English