随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立和完善 ,体育竞赛活动也正逐步走向市场。本文根据我国近年来举行的商业性体育竞赛的运作情况 ,从市场学角度对我国当前体育竞赛活动市场运作的基本状况 ,即体育竞赛活动的市场环境和市场需求特点及其运作规律等进行了探讨 ,为我国今后的体育竞赛活动走向市场提供一些理论和实践经验方面的借鉴。
In recent years, with the establishment and improvement of our country's socialist market economy, the sports competition is also market-oriented. Concerning the operation of the commercial sports competition held in China, this paper explores the basic condition and the operation rules of the competition, and thus presents some theories. As the competition has already been market-oriented, these theories must be useful for us to obey the market economy rules, to meet the need of developing the market economy, to understand the characteristics of the sports competition influenced by the market economy and take the reform in such kind of sports competition.
Sport Science Research