以杂交稻旌优127为材料,设2种水分管理(常规灌溉和分蘖期干旱),2个施氮量(120、180 kg/hm^2),3个移栽密度(12.0、16.5、22.5穴/m^2),研究其对产量和稻米品质的影响。结果表明:2014年分蘖期干旱处理产量(10.72 t/hm^2)与常规灌溉产量(11.01 t/hm^2)相比未出现显著下降,而2015年分蘖期干旱处理产量(9.84 t/hm^2)显著低于常规灌溉处理的产量(10.50 t/hm^2),有效穗、每穗粒数、干物质减少是其减产的主要原因;分蘖期干旱处理下,随着施氮量的增加,产量呈增加趋势,而常规灌溉处理下,随着施氮量的增加,产量呈降低趋势;2种水分管理均随着移栽密度的增加产量呈显著增加趋势,有效穗和干物质增加是其增产的主要原因;分蘖期干旱处理的稻米加工品质、食味品质与常规灌溉相当,甚至更优,且其垩白粒率和垩白度较常规灌溉处理分别减少32.0%~46.5%、20.0%~34.8%。可见,对于分蘖期干旱易发水稻产区来说,增加施氮量和提高移栽密度可明显降低因分蘖期干旱而造成的产量损失,其适宜的施氮量为180 kg/hm^2,移栽密度为22.5穴/m^2。
In this experiment, Hybrid rice Jingyou127 was used as material, two irrigation regimes of conventional irrigation(CI) and drought stress during tillering period(DSTP), two nitrogen(N) levels of medium N rate(120 kg/hm^2) and high N rate(180 kg/hm^2), and three hill densities of low hill density(12 hill per 1 m^2, LH) and medium hill density(16.5 hill per 1 m^2, MH) and high hill density(22.5 hill per 1 m^2, HH) were designed, to investigate how nitrogen rates and hill density affect grain yield and quality of hybrid rice under drought stress during tillering period. The result showed that there was no significant difference in grain yield between CI(10.72 t/hm^2) and DSTP(11.01 t/hm^2) in 2014, whereas the difference(6.2%) between DSTP(9.84 t/hm^2) and CI(10.50 t/hm^2) was significant in 2015, the decrease of grain yield of DSTP was due to the decrease of effective ears of grain number per panicle and the weight of dry matter. Grain yield of DSTP increased with N rate increasing, while grain yield of CI decreased with N rate increasing. Grain yield increased with hill density increasing, irrespective of CI or DSTP regime, that was due to the increase of effective ears and the weight of dry matter. Compared with CI, DSTP was not only significantly lower in rate of chalky grains and degree of chalkiness by 32.0% to 46.5% and 20.0% to 34.8%, respectively, but also had similar or higher quality of milling, cooking and eating. Our results suggest that increasing N rate and hill density can obviously decrease yield loss resulted from drought stress during tillering period. The N application rate of 180 kg/hm^2 with hill density of 22.5 hill per 1 m^2 are the optimal choice in the rice production area where the drought occur frequently in tillering period.
Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Natural Sciences)
四川省农业科学院优秀论文基金项目(201b LWJJ–009)
hybrid rice
tillering stage drought
nitrogen fertilizer rate
transplanting density
rice quality