基于2013年7月的空间高密度采样数据,对太湖水华期水体营养盐进行了空间分异特征分析及赋存量估算,探讨了大型浅水湖泊不同生态类型湖区水华与营养盐的相关关系及样点设置的代表性.结果发现,水华期太湖水体营养盐及叶绿素a浓度(CHL)总体上均呈现由西北向东南降低的趋势;氮主要以溶解态存在,占总氮(TN)的76.28%,磷主要以颗粒态赋存,占总磷(TP)的66.38%.采用主成分分析和聚类分析,可以将采样点分为相互之间具有显著性差异的4个区域:第一区位于西北湖区,代表水华严重的重富营养湖区;第二区主要包括梅梁湾及南太湖的入湖河口一带湖区,代表水华和富营养化程度都相对中等的湖区;第三区包括湖心区和西南湖区,代表中等污染但水华频现湖区;第四区包括贡湖湾、胥口湾和东太湖等其他区域,代表水华影响较弱、水质较好湖区.分区统计分析表明,不同湖区影响浮游藻类生长的因子也不同:从全湖来看,与CHL显著相关的营养盐指标为TP、TN、溶解性总氮(TDN)和硝态氮(NO-3-N),而在第一区则为TP和TDN,第二区为TN和TDN,第三区为TP、磷酸盐(PO3-4-P)和TDN,第四区为PO3-4-P、溶解性总磷(TDP)和亚硝酸盐(NO-2-N).基于空间插值获得调查期间太湖水体TN、TDN、TP和TDP的赋存量分别为12 800、9 800、445和150 t.研究表明,作为一个大型浅水湖泊,因蓝藻水华空间迁移积聚特征和生态类型异化等特征,太湖水华期的营养盐具有高度空间异质性,对于此类大型浅水湖泊的监测与评价,应当考虑点位的合理布设及结果的恰当解读,避免因监测布点和统计方法不当而以偏概全.
Based on the data of high density spatial sampling in July 2013,we analyzed the spatial distribution pattern of nutrients and estimated their amount during bloom season in Lake Taihu to discuss the correlation of algal bloom in different types of ecological water and nutrients in large shallow lake and the representative of its sampling sites. The research showed that nutrients and chlorophyll-a concentration( CHL) in Lake Taihu tended to reduce from northwest to southeast in general during bloom season. Nitrogen was mainly present in dissolved form,accounting for 76. 28 percent of the total nitrogen( TN),and phosphorus was mainly present in particulate form,accounting for 66. 38 percent of the total phosphorus( TP). The sampling points in the whole lake could be divided into four sections with significant difference between each other using principal component analysis and cluster analysis: The first section was located in the district of northwestern Lake Taihu,which represented the heavy eutrophic lake areas with serious blooms; the second section mainly included Meiliang Bay and area of river inflow into lake in South of Lake Taihu,which stood for moderate eutrophication of water quality; The third section included the central area and the southwest of lake,which represented the water area with medium water pollution,but blooms were frequent; And the fourth area was the remainder areas including Gonghu Bay,Xukou Bay,and Eastern Taihu,which stood for the region of weaker blooms and better water quality. Different factors also affected the growth of planktonic algae in different sections: From the point of the whole lake,CHL was significantly correlated with TP,TN,total dissolved nitrogen( TDN) and nitrate nitrogen( NO-3-N); while in the first section,CHL was significantly correlated to TP and TDN; CHL was correlated to TN and TDN in the second section; in the third section,the influencing factors were TP,reactive phosphate( PO3-4-P),TDN; PO3-4-P,total dissolved phosphorus( TDP) and nitrite nitrogen( NO-2-N) we
Environmental Science