酸铝危害和土壤贫瘠是热带和亚热带森林衰亡的主要原因之一,外生菌根真菌抗铝毒和活化土壤养分有益于防止森林退化和提高森林生产力.试验在Al3+胁迫条件下,以彩色豆马勃(Pisolithus tinctorius,Pt 715)、褐环乳牛肝菌(Suillus luteus(L.:Fr.)Gray,Sl 13)和亚褐环乳牛肝菌(Suillus subluteus(Peck)Snell ex Slipp&Snell,Ss 00)等3株外生菌根真菌为材料,土壤为钾源,采用培养试验研究了它们的生长、有机酸和H+分泌,以及对土壤钾的利用.结果表明,在Al3+胁迫和缺钾下,3株外生菌根真菌的生长,氮、磷、钾吸收,以及有机酸和H+分泌均受Al3+浓度的调节.在Al3+浓度较低时,它们随浓度的增加而提高,到达峰值后又随Al3+浓度升高而降低.抗Al3+性较强的菌株出现峰值时的Al3+浓度高,反之亦然.Pt 715的生物量和氮吸收量达到峰值时的Al3+浓度分别是Ss 00和Sl 13菌株的4倍和2倍,磷钾吸收和有机酸及H+分泌量也显著高于Ss 00和Sl 13.此外,3株菌株均能利用土壤矿物结构钾,Pt 715、Ss 00和Sl 13对矿物结构钾的分解率分别高达2.10%、1.43%和1.17%,其利用能力与有机酸分泌的种类、数量和H+分泌量有关.
Soil acidification,aluminum( Al3 +) toxicity and nutrient deficiency could be some of the most important reasons for the decline and death of forests in tropical and subtropical areas. Ectomycorrhizal fungi for Al3 +resistance and nutrient mobilization are beneficial for preventing forests against Al3 +toxicity and increasing forest productivity. Therefore,Suillus luteus( Sl 13),Pisolithus tinctorius( Pt 715) and Suillus subluteus( Ss 00) were grown in liquid culture medium with soil as the sole K source under Al3 +stress to study the fungal growth,organic acid and proton efflux,and potassium( K) unitization. The result indicated that the fungal growth,organic acid and proton efflux,and nutrient uptake,including nitrogen( N),phosphorus( P) and potassium( K),were regulated by Al3 +concentration in culture solutions. They increased with increasing Al3 +at low concentration and after reaching a peak,they started to decrease. Fungal strain with high resistance to Al3 +also showed higher Al3 +concentration at the peak than those with low ability.Al3 +concentration at the peak of fungal biomass and N uptake by Pt 715 was four folds or twice of Ss 00 and Sl 13,respectively. The uptake of P and K and efflux of organic acids and protons by Pt 715 were also higher than Ss 00 and Sl 13. All three fungal strains could utilize structural K in soil minerals and the utilization rate reached 2. 10% for Pt 715,1. 43% for Ss 00 and 1. 17% for Sl 13,respectively,which could be related to the types and amount of organic acids and protons.
Environmental Science