高考改革的核心问题,不是要不要高考的问题, 而是以什么标准选才的问题,是以"考"为本还是以人为本。 以什么标准评价、甄别、选拔人才,关乎高等教育选拔什么人 才,关乎基础教育培养目标,关乎国人素质。要改革"分数至 上"、"认分不认人"的不合理、不科学的高考招生制度,建立 实施"既认分又认人"的更科学、更合理、更公平、更严格的 "三合一"(高考成绩+平时成绩+综合素质)的评价标准。
The core problem in reforming the National College Entrance Examination is not whether it should exist or not, but what kind of standards it should abide by in select the talents, in other word, should it be test-based or people-based. The standards to evaluate, distinguish and select talents are not only related to what kind of talents can be selected for higher education, but also related to the cultivating goals of basic education, and ultimately related to the quality of the whole nation. The unreasonable and unscientific enrollment in National College Entrance Examination which can be described as 'Marks First' or 'Marks Stressed, People Ignored' should be reformed, and a 'Trinity' evaluation system (marks in National College Entrance Examination + usual performance + comprehensive qualification) should be implemented because this system will:be more scientific, more reasonable, more impartial and more rigorous since it will not only stress marks, but also identify people'.
Enrollment and Examination in Hubei
Reforming the National College Entrance Examination Enrollment in National College Entrance Examination Evaluation Standard Test-based People-based