工业锅炉既是应用广泛、分布面广的常见设备 ,又是近年来特别容易发生爆炸事故的特殊设备。本文分析了工业锅炉爆炸产生的原因 ;着重就加强对锅炉的监察 ,加大对“土锅炉”的查处力度 ,减少因设计、制造缺陷造成的事故 ,推进技术进步 ,提高锅炉安全性等能有效遏制锅炉爆炸事故的措施 。
Industrial boiler is not only widely used and distributed, but also easy to occur explosive accident in recent years. In this paper the principles and causes of explosive accident of the industrial boilers are analyzed based on both theory and practice in order to emphasis on the following aspects, such as strengthening inspection for boilers, giving more effective check to boilers without certificates, reducing the accidents resulted from shortcomings of design and manufactory, promoting technical progresses, enhancing boiler safety properties,and preventing from boilers explosive accidents.
Safety Health & Environment