2ISO/TC 193Secretariat.Report of the Secretariat to the 24th ISO/TC 193Natural Gas Meeting(ISO/TC 193N351)[R].Delft,the Netherlands,June 24-28,2013. 被引量:1
4ISO/TC 193/SC 1Secretariat.Report of the Secretariat to the24th meeting of ISO/TC 193/SC 1Analysis of natural gas Meeting(ISO/TC193N386)[R].Delft,the Netherlands,June 24-28,2013. 被引量:1
5ISO/TC 193/SC 3Secretariat.Report of the Secretariat to the8th ISO/TC 193/SC 3 Upstream Meeting(ISO/TC 193/SC 3N 0086)[R].Delft,the Netherlands,June 24-28,2013. 被引量:1
7ISO/TC 193Secretariat.Resolutions of the 24th ISO/TC 193Natural Gas Meeting(ISO/TC 193 N358)[R].the Netherlands,Delft,the Netherlands,June 24-28,2013. 被引量:1
8ISO/TC 193/WG 7Energy Determination.Annual report of the WG7for the period between October 2011to June 2013(ISO/TC 193/WG 7Doc.N 344)[R].Delft,the Netherlands,June24-28,2013. 被引量:1
9ISO/TC 193/SC 1Secretariat.Resolutions of the 24th ISO/TC193/SC 1Analysis of natural gas Meeting(ISO/TC 193/SC 1N366)[R].Delft,the Netherlands,June 24-28,2013. 被引量:1
10ISO/TC 193/SC 1secretariat.NWIP Determination of oxygen in natural gas by electrochemical analysis(ISO/TC 193/SC 1N362)[R].Delft,the Netherlands,June 24-28,2013. 被引量:1