本文以美国AT&T的拆分为模型案例 ,探讨和分析垄断与竞争 ,哪种市场结构更有利于企业的技术创新。本文的模型和实证的结果表明 ,在分割之前公司规模和研发之间存在显著的正相关 ,这说明规模在电信业中依然具有优势。本文的重点在于揭示出效率 (由TFP来衡量 )和竞争的关系 ,因此 ,本研究的一个更为重要的结果是 :TFP与研发之间在分割前是完全不相关 ,分割后却强烈正相关。这一结果表明 ,从受保护的垄断地位转移到竞争性的垄断迫使AT&T提高研发投资 ,以保持其竞争优势。
Based on the split of AT & T in 1980s,this paper discuss and analyses which market structure,monopoly and competition,is in favor of the technology innovation.The model and empirical study shows,before the split,company size and capital investment on R&D is positive-correlated markedly.The focus of the paper is to reveal the relation between efficiency and competition.The final and more important conclusion is,efficiency and R&D are irrelevant before the split,but after the split,they are positive-correlated markedly.Market structure change,from pure monopoly to competitive monopoly,make AT&T increase their investment on technology,and to keep their advantageous position.in the market.
Economic Research Journal