苯乙酮及其衍生物与氯化亚砜反应所得中间产物再与仲胺反应得α 羰基硫代甲酰胺 (1a 1f) ,经硫代得目标物α 硫羰基硫代甲酰胺 (2a 2f)。化合物 2a 2f含有二个硫羰基 ,为深红或深绿色晶体 ,可用作远红外吸收染料、激光Q开关及有机导体等。本文利用英国Micromass公司的OA TOF高分辨质谱仪对α 硫羰基硫代甲酰胺类化合物的裂解行为进行了详细的研究。结果表明该类化合物容易失去S2 分子形成特征的碎片离子M S2 (基峰 ) ,为分析和检测这类化合物提供了一种有效的分析方法。OA TOF高分辨质谱仪体积小、操作简单、快速 ,适合于分析纯的α 硫羰基硫代甲酰胺类化合物、检测混合物中及作为反应中间体的这类化合物。
Acetophenone and its derivatives reacted on thionyl chloride to form an intermediate, which can react on the secondary amines to form α carbonylthioformamides (1a 1f), followed by sulfurization with lawesson reagent to give target compounds α thiocarbonylthioformamides (2a 2f). Compounds 2a 2f are the deep red or deep green crystals because there are two thiocarbonyl groups in the molecule, and they can be used as far infraed adsorbent dyes, laser Q switch and organic conductors. Moreover, they are very important intermediates, can react on reagents with amino or diamino groups to produce a variety of acyclic or heterocyclic compounds, which can be used as pesticides and medicines. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a new method for the analysis of α thiocarbonyl thioformamides (2a 2f). OA TOF high resolution mass spectrometer is suitable to do this because of its small volume, high speed and giving elemental composition of ions. In this paper, the mass fragmentation pattern of α thiocarbonylthioformamides was studied in detail using OA TOF high resolution mass spectrometer of Micromass. The results showed that the molecular ions appeared, then, a neutral molecule S 2 was lost easily from the molecular ion of α thiocarbonylthioformamides, forming a particular ion M S 2 (base peak). This provides an effective method for the analysis of these compounds.
Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis