目的 了解两性原发性干燥综合征 (pSS)的临床特点 ,提高诊断治疗水平。方法 对77例pSS的临床资料进行统计分析。结果 两性间发病年龄和确诊时平均病程差异无显著性。临床上以口眼干燥为主诉就诊者不足一半 ,90 %以上存在高γ 球蛋白血症。男性pSS首发症状较女性多样化 ,以口眼干燥、关节疼痛、呼吸道症状、肾小管酸中毒及皮肤表现等较多见 ;口眼干燥症状出现较晚 ,发生率较低 ,症状较轻 ,但腮腺受损发生率与女性差异无显著性 ;而肺受累症状出现较早 ,肺间质纤维化发生率较高 ;类风湿因子 (RF)及抗SSA/SSB抗体阳性率较低。结论 pSS为全身性免疫性疾病 ,90 %以上病例存在高γ 球蛋白血症。临床表现多样化 ,以口眼干燥为主诉就诊者不足半数 ;男性患者除临床表现与女性有较大差别外 。
Objective To understand the clinical features of primary Sjgren′s syndrome (pSS) in both sex,thus to improve the level of diagnosis and treatment.Methods Clinical data of 77 cases of pSS were collected and analyzed.Results No significant difference was found between male and female in mean age of onset and average disease duration at the time of diagnosis.Patients with dry mouth/eye as a complaint for seeing a doctor accounted for only less than a half;whereas,hyper γ globulinemia existed in more than 90% of the patients.The onset symptom in male was more different from female.Dry mouth/eye,arthralgia,pulmonary manifestations,renal tubular acidosis,and dermatic manifestations were the frequent presentations.Dry mouth/eye presented latter,uncommon,and milder in male than in female.However,no difference was found between male and female in the incidence of salivary gland involvement.Pulmonary symptoms presented earlier,and the incidence of pulmonary fibrosis was higher in male than in female.Whereas,the pulmonary symptom occurred earlier in male patients,and the incidence of pulmonary interstitial fibrosis was higher in male than in female.The incidence of positive RF and anti SSA/SSB antibody was significantly lower in male than in female.Conclusion Primary Sjgren′s syndrome is one of the systemic immune diseases.It′s clinical manifestations were diverse.Less than a half of patients see a doctor because of dry mouth/eye.There are many differences between male and female patients in clinical presentations;and the incidence of positive auto antibodies is lower in male patients than in female.
Chinese Journal of Rheumatology