Micropaleontological analysis has been proved to be one of the most useful techniques in marine transgression studies for coastal plains. Microfossils, mainly foraminifers and ostracodes, provide sensitive criteria in recognizing sedimentary facies and reconstrucring palececological conditions, such as water salinity. An example is the Holocene at the West Lake, Hangzhou, East China. Despite of the monotonous lithology of muddy sediments, the succession of microfossils has revealed a salinity cycle caused by marine transgression. However, micropaleontological data can not be interpreted correctly, unless the taphonomical aspects and sedimentological background are taken into consideration. This is particularly true for the coastal zone where microfauna sensitively responds to sea-level changes, but is exposed to intensive taphonomical processes. Tidal current, storm or eolian process may transport marine microfossils such as foraminifers onto supratidal zone or certain nonmarine environments. Small-sized foraminiferal tests, for example, are transported over a hundred of kilometer upstream in the Yangtze River estuary. Microfossils reworked from the preceding transgression or even older deposits are another misleading factor in transgression studies. On the other hand, calcareous microfossils may be dissolved in coastal zone with low pH which is widespread in Tropics and Subtropics, where marine transgression deposits may be barren of microfossils and, hence, mistaken for non-marine. This is illustrated with examples from Australia and China. The occurrence and abundance of microfossils are to a great extent controlled by coastal and estuarine processes. The meander migration of river channel can give rise to an alternation of fossil-bearing and barren layers sometimes misinterpreted as transgression records. The microfossils abundance in deposits is controlled mainly by deposition rate and fossil preservation, and should not be used for paleobathymetric reconstruction.
Quaternary Sciences