除敦煌遗书中所见外 ,司马光《书仪》是传世的唯一一部书仪类著作 ,对研究古代礼仪制度具有重要的学术价值。但由于历代官私书目著录之卷册版本不一 ,给研究者带来了许多麻烦。本文即检阅有关典籍 ,对有关司马光《书仪》的卷秩册数、版刻等进行研究。
Besides some Dunhuang posthumous papers,Si Ma-guang's Letter Formalities is the sole book about letter froms which is handed down from ancient times. The book has very important academic value to the research on ancient etiquette system,but the past dynasties editions of letter forms are so miscellaheous, from official to personal editions,that researchers now often feel very confused.This thesis studies the ancient books and records related to Si Ma-guang's Letter Formalities,and then on the basis of those records,it studies Letter Formalities volumes,carvings and so on.
Journal of Zhejiang University of Technology