目的 :评价阿苯达唑脂质体 (L - ABZ)口服液的临床疗效及药物副作用 ,为该药的临床应用提供依据。方法:选择 5 3例包虫病患者 ,分为 3组 :A组为单纯服药组 (3 5例 ) ,连续口服 L- ABZ3~ 6个月 ;B组为包虫囊肿穿刺前后服药组 (4例 ) ,穿刺前 3~ 7d开始服药 ,穿刺后连服 1个月 ;C组为手术前后服药组 (14例 ) ,术前 3~ 7d开始服药 ,术后可进食水后即开始服药 ,疗程 1个月。 3个治疗组服药剂量均为每天 10 mg/ kg,2次 / d。同时动态随访病人服药前后的血常规、肝肾功、胸部 X线片、B超或 CT以及病人对药物的毒副反应。用治愈率、有效率、部分有效率和无效率来衡量 A组的疗效。以复发率 (观察至少 1年 )来判断 B、C组的疗效。 结果 :A组治愈 16例 (45 .7% ) ,有效 9例 (2 5 .7% ) ,部分有效 6例 (17.1% ) ,无效 4例 (11.4% ) ,总有效率 88.6% ;B组、C组随访时间 1~ 3年 ,尚无复发。临床药物治疗的 5 3例服药病人中 ,尚未见因药物的副反应而终止治疗的病例。结论:阿苯达唑脂质体 (L- ABZ)口服液对包虫病病人疗效较为肯定 ,毒副反应轻 ,患者能够长期服用 。
Objective: Evaluation of therapeutic effect and drug side effect for oral liposomal albendazole (L ABZ) solution, has been done in the current clinical trial, so as to provide the evidence and theoretical basis for this new drug formulation. Methods: Patients were divided into 3 groups as follows: Group A: L ABZ was taken alone for 3~6 months. Group B: L ABZ was given for 3~7 days before PAIR(a new treatment for cystic echinococcosis, which means Puncture Aspiration Injection Re aspiration) and then continued to use for one month after PAIR. Group C: L ABZ was administered for 3~7 days before surgery and then continued to use for one month after surgery. In those three groups, the patients were orally given at 10 mg/kg.d -1 twice per day, and one course per month. The blood routine, liver and renal functions, chest X ray, B ultrasound or CT for those patients were regularly followed up during therapeutic period. L ABZ toxicity and side effect have been recorded for each treated individual. The therapeutic criteria were classified as cure? effective? partial effective and non effective for Group A. Recurrence was employed for judgement of the therapeutic or preventive effects in Group B and Group C. Results: Group A:16 of 35 (45.7%) cases were considered as cured, 9 of 35(25.7%) as effective, 6 of 35 (17.1%)as partial effective, 4 of 35 (11.5%) as non effective, and total effective rate was 88.57%. Group B and Group C were followed up between 1~3 years, and none of the recurrence had been found yet. None of the cases was stopped the treatment due to the drug therapy in those three groups. Conclusion: L ABZ has shown a promising effect for the treatment of human Echinococcosis. Its toxicity and side effect are relatively slight and tolerable. It could be used for long term, especially for patients who belong to inoperable or complicated cases.
Journal of Xinjiang Medical University
国家自然科学基金 (No.39860 0 78)
human echinococcosis
clinical trial