无论是在整个女权运动历史中 ,还是在女性主义诗学发展历程中 ,伍尔夫都是一个里程碑式的人物。作为将女性主义引入诗学领域的第一人 ,伍尔夫的女性主义诗学思想具有整体性、开放性、经验性和非政治性等鲜明的形态特色。重视这些特色有助于重新认识伍尔夫在女性主义诗学发展历程中的地位 。
Either in the movement of women's rights or in the whole process of feminist poetics, Woolf is undoubtedly of the great importance of a milestone. As the first person to lead feminism into the field of poetics, Woolf's feminist poetic thought shows clearly the characteristics of being integrated, open, experiential and non-political. Putting great emphasis on them will help us re-recognize Woolf's position in the process of poetics and therefore attain more enlightenments from it.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan University