该文选取了英国女作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的长篇论文《一间自己的房间》 ,试图借美国马里兰州大学比较文学和女性研究中心教授苏珊·S·兰瑟的思路 ,将社会身份的声音和叙述形式的声音联系并结合起来 ,从叙事声音的角度切入 ,分析其背后所反映的现实中女性主义的声音 ,并借此梳理伍尔夫的女性主义思想。
This thesis aims to make an analysis of English long essay “A Room of One's O wn' by Virginia Woolf. By reading through the narrative voice in the text, we can c learly read out the feminist's voice in real life, and we can comb Woolf's femin ist thoughts, hence arouse modern women's consciousness to fight for their real equality and their deserved rights.
Journal of Beijing Forestry University :Social Sciences