目的 评价半导体激光诱导C5 7BL 6J小鼠脉络膜新生血管 (choroidalneovascularization ,CNV)模型的可行性。方法 对 16只小鼠 (31只眼 )分别于激光照射后 2h ,3d ,1、2及 4周行荧光素眼底血管造影 (fundusfluorescenceangiography,FFA)、光镜及电镜检查 ,以观察激光诱导CNV的效果。结果 激光照射后 2h及 3d无CNV生成 ,FFA显示无荧光渗漏。激光照射后 1周出现CNV ,FFA示1周时荧光渗漏 4 8个点 (5 3 3% ) ,4周时荧光渗漏 33个点 (36 7% ) ,且CNV出现不一定伴有荧光渗漏。病理切片证实 ,光凝后 1、2及 4周 ,小鼠CNV发生率分别为 6 3 6 %、6 3 6 %及 6 6 7%。结论 通过半导体激光光凝诱导C5 7BL 6J小鼠CNV模型是可行、有效的。
Objective To investigate the feasibility of inducing choroidal neovascularization(CNV) in mice by diode laser Methods Two hours,3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks and 4 weeks after photocoagulation, the effect of diode laser for inducing CNV by fundus fluorescein argiography(FFA), light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy Results Two hours and 3 days after laser treatment,there were no CNV and fluorescent leakage observed in mice The first signs of leakage in FFA associated with CNV appeared 1 week after the postphotocoagulation, (48/90 lesions, or 53 3%) Four weeks after laser treatment,there were still 33 lesions appearing leakage (36 67%) Histological sections proved the existance of CNV, but the rate of CNV was not in accord with that of fluorescence leakage Conclusions This animal model is very useful for in vivo studies of angiogenesis and its modulation via various therapy
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology
上海市科委基金资助项目 (0 0 41190 82 )