建立了热送热装工艺中连铸板坯保温过程传热数学模型及下线坯冷却过程传热数学模型 ,并对计算结果进行了验证 ,证明模型可用于预报不同操作条件下铸坯在保温坑保温过程及下线冷却过程中温度变化和热状态 ,给出连铸板坯出保温坑时的温度分布 ,为连铸板坯热送热装炉提供温度查询依据 保温坑有明显的保温作用 ,但保温时间不应超过 1 0h。
The mathematical model of heat transfer in heat retaining process of hot charging and rolling is developed The results show that the calculated temperature is consistent with the actually measured values and the model is capable of predicting the temperature of slab in heat preserved process and providing reference temperature The heat preservation pit has evident effect on the slab temperature and the slabs should be kept in pit no more than 10 hours Shortening the transferred time in heat preserving tunnel and keeping the tunnel covered as much as possible are effective measures to enhance the delivering temperature
Journal of Jiangsu University:Natural Science Edition
江苏大学青年基金资助项目 (JDQ2 0 0 10 0 3)