中国学界关于大众文化价值功能的阐释一直存在着精英主义的偏见 ,这一偏见可以具体通过“谁在说”、“说什么”、“怎么说”三个方面来检讨。大众文化的价值功能的两重性是指大众文化同时具有善 /恶、利 /弊等两种互相矛盾对立的属性。道德理想主义和历史主义的理论话语皆造成对大众文化价值功能的单一化的误识 ,现实主义的判断标准提供了正确分析大众文化价值功能两重性的可能性。大众文化善恶同体、利弊参半的两重性可以在多个层面上加以求证。
Chinese academic circle has always held prejudice of elitism against the elucidation of value function in mass culture . Such a prejudice is specificly manifested in three aspects:who speaks,what to say, how to say. The duality of the value function in mass culture refers to the dual contradictory factors of kind and evil,advantage and disadvantage that exist simultanneously in mass culture. The theoretical discourse in moral idealism and historicism holds unitary understanding of its value function, while the criteria of realism offer the possibility of its duality. The kind and evil factors in mass culture can be elucidated in multiple tiers.
Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
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