19世纪中期 ,当资本主义生产方式的发展兴起经济全球化的第一波浪潮时 ,马克思就敏锐提出和运用“世界历史”的理论和方法 ,从哲学本体论上批判性地反思和审察了全球化在物质实践、认知视野、人的本质和社会存在等诸方面所引发的历史性变革及其发展走势 ,这对于我们今天深刻地认识和积极地应对 2 1世纪在更高层次上的全球化浪潮的冲击 。
In mid 19th century, when development of the capitalist mode of production set off the first wave of economic globalization, Based on th e development of history and by using the paradigm of world history theory, Marx critically reflected and examined the historic change and developing trend for material practice, cognitive vision, human nature and social being in the co ndition of globalization. It is very important theoretical and realistic signifi cance for us to profoundly realize and actively face the lash of globalization i n 21th century.
Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences)