生态学倾向是当今科学发展的共同趋势 ,从心理学研究的生态学倾向着手探讨心理健康问题很有价值。通过与传统的心理健康观作比较 ,提出了生态心理健康观 ,并揭示了其本质———心理健康并非暂时的静止状态 ,而是一种动态的平衡。生态学价值表现在个人价值和社会价值两个方面。
Nowadays ecology-orientation is the common trend of the science research.This article explores the problems of mental health in the direction of ecology-orientation in psychology research.Compared with the classic mental health,the ecological mental health is reised.And the essence of the ecologicalmental health is revealed,that is,mental health is not a temporary or still state,but a dynamic.At last,the author estimates the ecological value of mental health,in two aspects of the personal value and the society value.
Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University