目的 了解肝硬化病人胆囊声像改变及临床意义。方法 采用超声波检查了解胆囊声像的改变 ,结合临床资料分析其价值。结果 12 1例肝硬化病人中胆囊声像发生改变的占 90 .9% ,改变类型有胆囊体积的增大或缩小 ,囊壁增厚与粗糙 ,囊壁的双重影 ,囊内结石、息肉、胆泥、胆固醇结晶等。其中以囊壁增厚与粗糙最为常见 (88/ 12 1) ,而以囊壁双重影临床价值最大 ,它同肝硬化门脉高压程度及肝硬化严重并发症的产生有较紧密的联系。结论 对肝硬化的胆囊声像进行检查了解 ,有助于肝硬化的诊断 。
Objective To investigate clinical significance of the cholecyst examed by ultrasonography in patients with cirrosis. Methods Cholecystic sonograps were detected by advanced ultrasonography in our hospital. Results The proportion of cholecystic sonograps changes were 90.9% in 121 patients with cirrosis. The changed type included increased or deceased size of cholecyst, thickening and rude cholecystic wall, double shadow of cholecystic wall, cholelith, ploype and cholesterol crystal. Thickening and rude cholecystic wall was the highest frequency (88/121), double shadow of cholecystic wall had the most important clinical value which well correlated with degree of portal hypertension and severe complication of cirrosis. Conclusions The cholecyst examed by ultrasonography was useful in the diagnosis of cirrosis and prediction of patient's condition and therapy effect.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention