With the development of the information era, the enterprises are required to collect a vast amount of market data and enterprises’market research is a good way to obtain them.But no matter that market research,or enterprises’market research,even the research or sensitive questions,is the disadvantage in our country at present.The stratified\|weakened model is designed to manage sensitive questions in our article,which is aimed at putting forward a new method to perfect our market researching system.
With the development of the information era, the enterprises are required to collect a vast amount of market data and enterprises’market research is a good way to obtain them.But no matter that market research,or enterprises’market research,even the research or sensitive questions,is the disadvantage in our country at present.The stratified\|weakened model is designed to manage sensitive questions in our article,which is aimed at putting forward a new method to perfect our market researching system.
Statistical Research