

Investigation of the Settlementn Patterns in the Zhouyuan Region during the Shang-Zhou Period
摘要 周原地区商周时期聚落形态,是研究区域政治地理结构等重大学术问题的重要基础。文章以最新的系统调查与发掘成果为基础,借助地理信息系统,参考地形地貌和出土青铜器等因素,由点变面,将周原地区商周时期的聚落形态变迁分为先周早中期、先周晚期和西周时期三个阶段。先周晚期以前,几支考古学文化聚落各自成区,形态有别;先周晚期碾子坡文化“一家独大”,分布范围大增,“两横八纵带”已成雏形;西周时期,聚落数量激增,聚落形态为“两横八纵带”。西周时期周原聚落规模独大,其他聚落可分为三个等级,各纵带内聚落形态为“一大带多小,大者居上游”,“湋河横带”内聚落缺乏第一等级,“湋河横带”内第一等级聚落集聚成东西两区。 The settlement patterns in the Zhouyuan region during the Shang and Zhou periods form an important foundation for studying major academic issues such as the regional political geography.Based on the most recent systematic surveys and excavation results,and applying Geographic Information Systems(GIS)while also taking into consideration topography,landforms,and unearthed bronze artifacts,this article joins individual points into an connected regional landscape.It divides the evolution of settlement patterns in the Zhouyuan region during the Shang and Zhou periods into three stages:the early to middle Pre-Zhou period,the late Pre-Zhou period,and the Western Zhou period.Before the late Pre-Zhou period,the settlement pattern in the Zhouyuan region was characterized by a dispersed distribution of several Shang-era archaeological cultures,each forming distinct settlement patterns within its distributional area.During the late Pre-Zhou period,the Nianzipo culture became predominant,expanding its distribution and leading to the initial emergence of the‘two horizontal and eight vertical belts’pattern.In the Western Zhou period,the number of settlements increased significantly,solidifying the‘two horizontal and eight vertical belts’regional settlement structure.The Zhouyuan site emerged as the largest settlement in the region,accompanied by subordinate settlements that could be categorized into three tiers.Within each vertical zone,the settlement distribution generally followed a pattern of‘one large settlement associated with several smaller settlements,’with the large settlement occupying the upper river reaches.The‘Weihe(湋河)horizontal belt’lacked notably first-tier settlements,while the first-tier settlements within the‘Weihe(渭河)horizontal belt’were concentrated in two distinct clusters.
作者 郭士嘉 种建荣 雷兴山 Guo Shijia;Chong Jianrong;Lei Xingshan
出处 《考古与文物》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第11期78-87,共10页 Archaeology and Cultural Relics
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“周原遗址2013年度聚落结构考古调查资料整理与研究”(编号:22CKG010) 中国博士后科学基金第71批面上资助“三代铸铜作坊结构探索”(编号:2022M712883)的阶段性成果。
关键词 周原地区 商周时期 聚落结构 区域聚落形态 Zhouyuan region Shang-Zhou period Settlement structure Regional settlement pattern
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