

The application of flower medicine in treating hypertension based on the Xuanfu theory
摘要 高血压病是一组以体循环动脉血压持续升高为特征的心血管综合征,发病机制尚未完全明确,是临床研究的热点与难点。玄府是人体中普遍存在、分布广泛的一种微观结构,是机体气血、津液、荣卫、精神出入流行之门户。玄府理论肇源于《黄帝内经》,经历代医家发展而逐渐完善,最终由金元医家刘完素升华,并由此开启了中医学从微观角度认识人体生理与病理的先河。玄府理论在生理上强调“贵开忌阖、以通为顺”,病理上则认为“玄府郁闭为百病之根”。玄府闭塞,则脏腑功能失调,或气血壅盛,或阴阳失衡、神机失常,皆可致使动脉血流阻力增加,这是高血压病发生的关键病机。研究在玄府理论的指导下,试从“肝玄火闭”“心玄瘀闭”“脾玄浊闭”“肺玄汗闭”“脑玄神闭”5个方面阐释高血压病的中医病机。花类药芳香透达,轻扬升散之性与玄府贵开忌阖的生理特点具有共通之处,既可宣通肌表玄府之密闭,又能畅通脏腑玄府之郁闭。治疗上以“开通玄府为治病之纲”为立足点,从“平肝泻火以开肝玄”“活血化瘀以开心玄”“升清泄浊以开脾玄”“祛风清热以开肺玄”“安神解郁以开脑玄”等角度阐述花类药在高血压病中的作用机制,称为“花药开玄五法”。本研究以期抛砖引玉,为中医药防治高血压病提供临床新思路。 Hypertension is a group of cardiovascular syndromes characterized by continuous increase of systemic arterial blood pressure.Its pathogenesis is not yet fully understood,and it is still a hot and difficult point in clinical research.Xuanfu(玄府)is a common and widely distributed microstructure in the human body.It is the portal of Qi(气)and blood,body fluid,Rongwei(荣卫),and spirit of the human body.The Xuanfu theory originated from Huangdi Neijing(《黄帝内经》),and was gradually improved based on the efforts of doctors in the past dynasties.Finally,it was sublimated by LIU Wansu,a TCM master in the Jin-Yuan Dynasties,which set a precedent for traditional Chinese medicine to understand human physiology and pathology from a micro perspective.In physiology,the Xuanfu theory emphasizes taking unobstruction as the normal functional activity of Xuanfu;in pathology,it is believed that Xuanfu obstruction is the root of many diseases.Xuanfu occlusion leads to the dysfunction of Zangfu organs(脏腑),or the accumulation of Qi and blood,or the imbalance of Yin(阴)and Yang(阳),and the disorder of spirit,which can lead to increased arterial blood flow resistance.It is the key pathogenesis of hypertension.Under the guidance of the Xuanfu theory,the TCM pathogenesis of hypertension is explained from the five aspects of liver Xuan(玄)huo(fire)closed,heart Xuan stasis closed,spleen Xuan turbid toxin closed,lung Xuan sweat closed,and brain Xuan spirit closed in this paper.Flower medicine has the characteristics of aromatic and penetrating,is light and scattered,and has the same physiological characteristics of taking unobstruction as the normal functional activity of Xuanfu,which can not only promote the opening of Xuanfu on the surface of muscles,but also unblock the stagnation of Xuanfu of Zangfu organs.The treatment is based on the theory of opening Xuanfu as the outline of treatment,and the action mechanism of flower medicine on hypertension is expounded in this paper from the perspectives of calming liver and p
作者 黄永福 黄飞翔 HUANG Yongfu
出处 《中医临床研究》 2024年第29期105-109,共5页 Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
基金 福建省医疗“创双高”临床重点专科建设项目(闽卫医政[2022]884号)。
关键词 玄府理论 花类药 高血压病 玄府闭塞 The Xuanfu theory Flower medicine Hypertension Xuanfu occlusion
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