

Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds Control Status in Packaging and Printing Industry in Sichuan Province
摘要 主要对四川省挥发性有机物治理重点印刷包装企业治理现状进行了研究。挥发性有机物(VOCs)是大气中臭氧二次生成的主要因素,也是印刷包装行业排放的主要污染物之一。筛选四川省内31家纳入重点治理的印刷包装企业挥发性有机物排放现状进行现场调研、数据收集和分析。调研和分析结果显示:采用改进生产工艺或末端治理控制VOCs排放的企业占41.9%,2018-2020年使用低VOCs含量油墨替代率为20.14%~34.81%,使用低VOCs含量胶黏剂替代率为53.75%~57.18%,均未达到印刷包装业低VOCs含量绿色原辅材料替代率达60%的要求。对清洁原辅材料替代工作中存在的问题和未达到要求的原因进行分析,提出意见建议,为提高包括印刷行业清洁原辅材料的使用和挥发性有机物控制,打赢蓝天保卫战提供技术支撑。 The present situation of the key printing and packaging enterprises of volatile organic compounds(VOCs)in Sichuan province was studied.Olatile organic compounds were the main factors in the secondary generation of ozone in the atmosphere,and were also one of the main pollutants emitted by the printing and packaging industry.The results of the survey and analysis showed that the enterprises using improved production process or terminal treatment to control VOCs emissions accounted for 41.9%,the replacement rate using low VOCs content ink was 20.14%to 34.81%from 2018 to 2020,and the replacement rate using low VOCs content adhesive was 53.75%to 57.18%.The results did not meet the printing and packaging industry low VOCs content of green raw and auxiliary materials replacement rate of 60%requirements.The problems existing in the replacement of clean raw and auxiliary materials and the reasons for not meeting the requirements were analyzed,and the opinions and suggestions were put forward to improve the use of clean raw and auxiliary materials and volatile organic compounds control in the printing industry,and win the blue sky defense war to provide technical support.
作者 蔡羽飞 丁红丹 马伯熙 谈亚 CAI Yufei;DING Hongdan;MA Boxi;TAN Ya(Sichuan Province Academy of Industrial Environmental Monitoring,Sichuan Chengdu 610046,China)
出处 《广州化工》 CAS 2024年第22期127-130,134,共5页 GuangZhou Chemical Industry
关键词 印刷包装 挥发性有机物 重点治理 现状 分析 printing and packaging volatile organic compound key governance status analysis
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