

Add to Favorite Classic Formula Zhigancao Tang:Textual Research and Analysis of Key Information
摘要 炙甘草汤(又名复脉汤)是治疗脉结代、心动悸的经典名方,现广泛应用于临床,2018年中医药管理局下发的《古代经典名方目录(第一批)》中“三甲复脉汤”由该方化裁而来。该文采用文献计量学方法对炙甘草汤的历史源流、药物组成、基原炮制、方义解析及古今应用对该方进行全面考证与归纳,对炙甘草汤组成及用法之疑进行总结分析,并讨论吴鞠通所创“复脉辈”缘由及用法。结果共纳入47条有效数据,涉及38本古籍,显示炙甘草汤最早出自《伤寒论》,“复脉汤”之名亦载于方后。以汉代度量衡换算现代炙甘草用法应为炒甘草55.2 g、桂枝41.4 g、人参27.6 g、鲜地黄220 g、阿胶27.6 g、麦冬53 g、火麻仁45 g、大枣90 g。全方加黄酒1400 mL和清水1600 mL,煮至600 mL,待阿胶全部融化后,温服200 mL,每日3次。炙甘草汤具有益气温阳、滋阴养血之功,主治心阴阳俱虚,心脉失养所致的“脉结代,心动悸”及虚劳肺痿。现代应用则以治疗心脑血管疾病为主,如心律失常、冠心病、室性早搏等。上述研究结果为炙甘草汤的后期开发提供了参考。 Zhigancao Tang(also known as Fumaitang)is a classic formula for treating"intermittent pulse and palpitations"and is widely used in clinical practice.Sanjia Fumaitang,included in the Catalogue of Ancient Classical Formulas(First Batch)published by the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of China in 2018,is derived from this formula.This paper employed bibliometric methods to comprehensively investigate and summarize the historical evolution,drug composition,herb origins and preparation,prescription meanings,and ancient and modern applications of Zhigancao Tang,analyzed the composition and usage of Zhigancao Tang,and discussed the reasons and applications of the"Fumaitang"variants created by Wu Jutong.A total of 47 valid pieces of data from 38 ancient texts were included.Results showe that Zhigancao Tang originates from the Treatise on Cold Damage(Shang Han Lun),and the name"Fumaitang"is also recorded in the formula's description.Converted to modern measurements from the Han dynasty system,the recommended preparation for Zhigancao Tang includes 55.2 g of fried Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,41.4 g of Cinnamomi Ramulus,27.6 g of Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma,220 g of fresh Rehmannia glutinosa,27.6 g of Asini Corii Colla,53 g of Ophiopogonis Radix,45 g of Cannabis Fructus,and 90 g of Jujubae Fructus.All herbs should be decocted with 1400 mL of yellow rice wine and 1600 mL of water until 600 mL.Once the Asini Corii Colla is fully dissolved,the decoction should be taken warm at a dosage of 200mL,three times a day.Zhigancao Tang is effective for replenishing Qi,warming Yang,nourishing Yin,and nourishing blood and is primarily used to treat“intermittent pulse and palpitations”caused by deficiencies in heart Yin and Yang,as well as malnutrition of the heart meridian and conditions like lung atrophy.Modern applications mainly focus on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases,including arrhythmias,coronary heart disease,and premature ventricular contractions.The findings from this research provide a ref
作者 郭智丹 梁绿圆 曹佳蕾 陈金雨 吕星航 金渲淬 孙一凡 常雨洁 李懿涵 魏炳琦 周正 马丙祥 GUO Zhidan;LIANG Lyuyuan;CAO Jialei;CHEN Jinyu;LYU Xinghang;JIN Xuancui;SUN Yifan;CHANG Yujie;LI Yihan;WEI Bingqi;ZHOU Zheng;MA Bingxiang(Pediatric Hospital of the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,Zhengzhou450099,China;Pediatric Medical College,Henan University of Chinese Medicine,Zhengzhou 450046,China;Henan Liang Jishi Research Institute of Chinese Medicine,Zhengzhou 450000,China;Traditional Chinese Medicine School,Henan University of Chinese Medicine,Zhengzhou 450046,China)
出处 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第24期198-207,共10页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae
基金 河南省特色骨干学科中医学学科建设项目(STG-ZYX06-202144,STG-ZYXKY-2020023) 2023年度河南省中医学“双一流”创建科学研究专项(HSRP-DFCTCM-2023-3-06,HSRP-DFCTCM-2023-2-08) 河南省中医药科学研究专项(2023ZY2057)。
关键词 炙甘草汤 经典名方 古今应用 考证 关键信息 Zhigancao Tang classic formula ancient and modern application textual research key information
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