Zhuo Jing-Schmidt;Negation holds a central role in logic,particularly within the philosophy of language and linguistics.A widespread view suggests that negation presupposes affirmation and is secondary in importance.This study explores the affective logic of negation by investigating cross-linguistic representations of situations near a tipping point,often referred to as“close calls”and“narrow escapes.”These scenarios encompass events that nearly occurred but were narrowly averted,as well as outcomes achieved by a slight margin.We term such events as“approximative events”and refer to the constructions describing them as“approximative constructions.”Through a comparative analysis of Chinese,Spanish,and Italian approximative constructions,with a focus on the role of negation and its relationship to approximative expressions,we find that in all three languages,irrealis approximative constructions with negaters are the original patterns for conceptualizing approximative events.This indicates that negation does not presuppose affirmation and does not rely on affirmation for its existence.In all three languages,negaters in approximative constructions consistently convey metapragmatic messages through irrealis semantics,serving an overtly hyperbolic function under the constraints of conversational maxims,demonstrating that they are not semantically redundant.While Chinese and Spanish exhibit significant grammatical and semantic similarities in their approximative constructions,Italian presents a distinct pattern,particularly in the clear demarcation of negation and affirmation across negative and affirmative constructions.Additionally,this study points to a shared emotional stance across these languages in constructing approximative events,reflecting a universal negativity bias in human cognition and emotion.This research challenges traditional truth-conditional semantic analysis,revealing the affective logic of negation and the dialogic nature of human language.
Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies